Friday, August 12

New Shoes

Earlier this week, I realized that I've put 280 miles on my Mizuno Waves. A pair of running shoes generally lasts between 300 and 400 miles, and it's a good idea to get a new pair at around the 200 mile mark so that you can keep in mind how a shoe is good repair is supposed to feel.

So, I went out and bought myself a pair of Nike Structure 14s. I have not been a fan of Nike in the past...mostly because they are a giant. But these shoes have tons of cushion, making them slightly heavier than my Mizunos.  Whatever can help slow me down and cushion my run so that I don't injure myself is a priority right now.

Here is a picture of my new shoes next to my old pair. I commented in the store to the salesperson that the color is really bold. She asked if that was a good thing. I told her that as a runner, whatever draws more attention to my feet, the better. Might as well show off and take pride in my sweaty efforts!

Gosh my ankles look thick in this picture...

Anyway, I broke in my new pair of shoes this morning on my usual circuit. Average mile time was much for slowing me down. That's the best time I've run since May!

Pain Tracker
  • Left foot arch; slight pain throughout...probably need to change cross in shoelaces.

Wednesday, August 10

Below 60 and Running

Last night, I was so stressed out, all I wanted to do was throw on my running shoes and run until I fell over. But I had to work on my writing plan for my thesis which is due today.

This morning, I did not have the same enthusiasm to run. I stayed in bed until 7:00am, and then decided to see what the temperature was like...more so to give me another excuse not to go, especially since I had already mentioned to all of you that I was going to go running today. But when I picked up my phone and hit the weather icon I was shocked. 57 degrees. 

That is all it took. No way was I going to pass up a chance to run in 50-odd degree weather when I've been steaming in 70- and 80-degree weather for the past few weeks.

The beginning of the run felt great because of the cooler temp. But I felt really sluggish, which I think is a result of some poor food choices I made yesterday. My average mile time was 9:45 today.

On my run this morning, along the river, I saw two groups of women rowing out on the water. I wanted to cheer from the park, "whoot whoot. Morning workout!" But decided not too. I've never done rowing before, but I think it would be fun to try it some time...

Monday, August 8

Flying Solo

Today, I ran alone. No Luke, and no Baxter. Instead, I sprinted against yellow traffic lights and quoted The Little Engine that Could to myself when I wanted to stop and walk.

My mile average for the 3 miles I ran this morning was 9:17. With Baxter, I've been running a slow 13:00 or so. So it felt good to establish "my pace" again, as this is comparable to what I was running before the madness of this summer began...with moving and traveling and quitting the gym.

My plan to ease back into things is to run Wednesday and Friday, then do some kind of fun alternative exercise on Saturday, like rollerblading or biking. Come Monday next week, I would like to begin alternating my run days with strength training again...I can't remember the last time I strength trained. But I guess that's the beauty of writing an exercise blog...I can just look in the archives!

Happy exercising, all. Happy Monday.