Friday, March 2


So, rather than bore myself with the all-too-familiar run this morning, I decided to do some calm stretching. I got out my exercise DVDs and reached for my 10-minute "Get Balanced: Pilates Express" workout that I found in a box of Kashi cereal a few years ago.

To my surprise, after the 10 minute mark, the DVD kept going. I apparently grabbed the full version I purchased a few months ago since I liked the 10-minute sample version so much. The full version, "Trudie Styler's Core Strength Pilates," is 55 minutes long. My subconscious must have tricked me into a longer workout! I feel great now, so I suppose I shouldn't complain :)

My mom even joined me for the first 10 or 15 minutes! Way to go, Mom!

I find that it is important to only have a select few workout DVDs because you don't really get much of a workout while you are learning the routine. It's obviously hard to do a move when you are craning your neck to see how to do it. I'm still learning this full-version routine. I anticipate needing to do it at least another 5 times before I become comfortable with hearing and following the instruction (versus relying on a video demonstration).

Wednesday, February 29

Sunny Morning Jog

Well, for those who do not know, my father became strangely ill about 2 weeks ago. I coincidentally quit my job just before he became sick, so I am available to help my mother with his recovery now that he's been released from the hospital.

This is a huge change in routine, and I am hoping that it will also mean a change in my exercise routine, which has been non-existent for the past few months.

This morning, I went on a short jog: 1.6 miles across town and back (the town my parents live in is less than 1 mile wide). Baxter came with me! And I didn't even bother to time myself. This is a good-faith effort for exercise, and I don't want to overwhelm myself.

It was a beautiful morning. And the edge of town is a picturesque rural landscape (I was going to say skyline, but that doesn't really qualify outside of the big city!).