In rural Kenya, nomads practice "sapana," a rite of passage empowering men to make decisions for their community. During this ritual, young men are "painted green" with goat refuse. At Daylight, we want to encourage these nomads to empower both boys and girls to be leaders in their communities with another rite of passage: education. So as a symbol of joining the Daylight community in this mission, a few of us got painted at Run or Dye!
After waiting in the cold for about an hour and a half, our wave finally started! I sprinted out the starting line, and then walked for a minute or two to warm up my cold ankles, then I ran then entire 3.1 miles. Thank you, again, Brianna, Emilie, and Kari for doing this with me!
Also, special props to Emilie. Our group didn't want to ride back in the buses (and have to wait in another long line), so while Brianna and Kari rode to brunch with some of our awesome fans, Emilie and I ran another 1.5 miles to brunch!
So, in all, I ran 4.6 miles. Whoo hoo!