Friday, September 9

P90x: Kenpo

Kenpo was so much fun! So many of the other P90X routines are so structured with regular strength training exercises...lifting weights, lunges, squats, etc. Kenpo makes me sweat just as much (or perhaps even more) but rather than dread or count down the seconds for one exercise, I just want to keep going! And its essentially self defense training, making it applicable outside the gym. Don't mess with this girl!

Thursday, September 8

P90x: Legs, Back and Abs

So this P90x routine is similar to the chest, back and abs routine: a lot of pull ups. And then a lot of squats for the legs. It burns!

Wednesday, September 7

P90x: Yoga

It's been a looong time since I've done yoga. Because of some lower back problems I have, my chiropractor told me to avoid any exercise (or work) that requires me to bend over or twist at the waist. In other words: no yoga. But since it's been a few years and I've made some efforts to see a personal trainer in order to safely build up my core muscles, I decided I would give it a go and see how my body reacts to the P90X yoga routine.

I was blown away by the crazy poses I was able to do and how good I felt after the routine. Of course, with any exercise, not all of it felt good while doing it, and I stopped any motion or position that I thought would do some damage to my back.

I still prefer pilates, but yoga will probably make me more flexible that pilates ever could.

Tuesday, September 6

P90x: Shoulders, Arms, and Abs

So, the shoulders, arms, and abs P90X exercise is about 75 minutes long. Luke and I cringed when we calculated how early we had to be up if we are going to do these P90X routines before work (which is what I prefer since I have thesis writing and board member responsibilities to do in the evenings). And as I've stated before, exercising in the morning gets me awake and ready for work like coffee can't.

So Luke and I slinked out of bed at 6:00am and changed into exercise gear. After 4 short minutes of the warm up, we both noticed how awake we felt already! This exercise was not as difficult as yesterday's Plyometrics workout in the sense that the weight lifting of shoulders, arms, and abs is much lower impact than plyometrics. We have opted to use resistant bands for the weight lifting exercises, mostly because we already have some. But since both of us are doing these workouts at the same time, I think it would be a good idea to invest in a few more, as sometimes Luke was using the one that I wanted to use, or vice versa.

Monday, September 5

P90x: Plyometrics

(aka: jump training) Plyometrics were fun! Took me back to high school basketball practice with all of the shuffling, jumping, etc. Supposedly plyometrics are supposed to make me a better and faster runner, so, sure I'll take some time off running if this will make me better!

I've noticed that Luke and I have had to eat a lot more food than we usually do for this P90x workout. I'm going to have to go to the grocery store again for some more protein snacks...turkey jerkey... In fact, Luke usually eats as much (or even less) than what I have in the past (of course, he doesn't run every other day, so why would he need to). But I think this meal plan is going to be a challenge.

Sunday, September 4

P90x: Chest, Back, and Abs

So, Luke approached me the other week and told me he thought he would do P90X. A few months ago, he met with a trainer, and the trainer had recommended that if he wasn't going to stick with a gym membership, then a good option would be to check out P90X. So, Luke found a 50% off version of P90X on the internet. (We think it is 50% off because it was printed before an editor or spell checker went over it...). Anyway, it arrived on Saturday.

He has convinced me to give it a go. There are a few different versions: Classic, Double, and Lean. Lean is for people who want to incorporate more cardio in (which would be me), but Luke said that if I was going to do it with him, then I have to do the Classic version with him, which is essentially strength training every day, with some cardio incorporated in. I still may only end up doing it every other day, so that I can take advantage of the beautiful fall weather to go running, but we'll all find out exactly what I end up doing.

So, today, we started the program: the exercise and meal plan. And we had to take our measurements and some "before" pictures. At right are 2 of my pictures. And here are my "Day 1" measurements:

  • Weight: 128 lbs
  • Chest: 33"
  • Waist: 29"
  • Hips: 38" (I got some hips!)
  • Thigh: 19 1/2"
  • Arm: 11 1/2"

By the way, the "phase 1" meal plan, called the "Fat Shredder" is almost 70% protein!

For our first day of P90X exercising, we did 60 minutes of chest and back strength training, and 15 minutes of "ab ripping." I hope there is a lot of stretching in tomorrow's routine!