Sunday, September 4

P90x: Chest, Back, and Abs

So, Luke approached me the other week and told me he thought he would do P90X. A few months ago, he met with a trainer, and the trainer had recommended that if he wasn't going to stick with a gym membership, then a good option would be to check out P90X. So, Luke found a 50% off version of P90X on the internet. (We think it is 50% off because it was printed before an editor or spell checker went over it...). Anyway, it arrived on Saturday.

He has convinced me to give it a go. There are a few different versions: Classic, Double, and Lean. Lean is for people who want to incorporate more cardio in (which would be me), but Luke said that if I was going to do it with him, then I have to do the Classic version with him, which is essentially strength training every day, with some cardio incorporated in. I still may only end up doing it every other day, so that I can take advantage of the beautiful fall weather to go running, but we'll all find out exactly what I end up doing.

So, today, we started the program: the exercise and meal plan. And we had to take our measurements and some "before" pictures. At right are 2 of my pictures. And here are my "Day 1" measurements:

  • Weight: 128 lbs
  • Chest: 33"
  • Waist: 29"
  • Hips: 38" (I got some hips!)
  • Thigh: 19 1/2"
  • Arm: 11 1/2"

By the way, the "phase 1" meal plan, called the "Fat Shredder" is almost 70% protein!

For our first day of P90X exercising, we did 60 minutes of chest and back strength training, and 15 minutes of "ab ripping." I hope there is a lot of stretching in tomorrow's routine!

1 comment:

  1. We will have to refer to you and Luke as the power couple from now on.
