Friday, September 2

Better than Coffee

I drove the 4 hours back to Minneapolis/St Paul last night. And I knew the only thing that would really help perk me up and get me ready to finish off the week of work was to get myself out of bed and run. So Baxter and I ran our 3-mile loop this morning.

It was humid, but a cool humid. And either I was going slower than usual, or the slightly cooler weather helped Baxter keep with my pace. I stopped timing myself when I run with Baxter since he sometimes slows me down, or he stops during the run to do his business, which also affects the overall time.

Since I've been good lately at running every other day, I would really like to run a bit longer on Sunday, like 5 miles or so. There just isn't time to do that during the week before work...I've had a hard enough time getting myself out of bed for the regular 3 miles...

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