Saturday, May 12

Bounce Back

After a hard sleep, I woke up and was ready to really exercise! My mother and I did Power 90 strength training. Later, in the early evening, we went on a walk. Because she biked earlier in the afternoon, she only joined me for 30 minutes of my 60-minute walk. So, Baxter joined me for the second half of my walk.

During my mom's bike ride, my brother ran alongside her, as he came up today for Mother's Day weekend.

All in all, we all did a great job today!

Friday, May 11

Low Key

Today was a loooong day! I woke up early to exercise, but then didn't actually exercise. Some of you may notice that these exercise reports don't get posted right away (they say they do), but sometimes I don't get around to actually publishing them until a few days after the fact. So, I ended up spending my morning writing a few blog entries rather than exercise.

Before I knew it, I had to pack up the car and head back to Fargo, as my dad would like my help on the farm for 1 more week! Four hours later, once I arrived in Fargo, I had to run a few errands for him. I arrived in Halstad at around 7:00pm. Exhausted from a day of driving and running errands, I crashed on the couch for a few hours. At 10:00pm, I finally figured I better do something just so that I don't let the entire day go to waste, exercise-wise. So, I did "Yoga Booty Ballet: Hip Hop Abs." I didn't have as much pep as the instructors this time!

It is ok to have a low-key exercise day every once in awhile. Sometimes, it is what the body needs in order to continue cooperating with a weight loss plan. But it is important to still do something, so that the habit of exercising is not lost. I try to schedule in a lighter day for me and my mom once each week. That was supposed to be this past Monday with the stretching pilates routine with Trudie Styler. So, I anticipate working much harder the next few days to make up for 2 light days in one week.

Thursday, May 10

Accounting for Flux

This morning, I went to the hotel my parents are staying at, as they are in the St. Paul area for a few days. I did this to exercise with my exercise partner, my mother, but also to use my scale that my mother had along with her, so that I could weigh in this morning. I think it's really important to use the same scale every time in order to be consistent, as some scales may vary a bit. I weighed in at 121.7 pounds! I lost 1.5 pounds this past week. So, I lost about the same amount as I did a week ago. Overall, I have lost 10.3 pounds since April 8th, when my mother and I started working out.

My initial goal was to lose 10 pounds. So, I have achieved my goal! But to account for slight fluctuations later (after I change my dieting and workout habits from this weight loss routine), I aim to lose another 3.7 pounds, so that I weigh 118 pounds before going off this program.

So, back to my exercising today: My mom and I used the fitness room in the hotel (and we were the only ones in there!) to do our Power 90 strength training routine.

After returning home, I took a 60-minute walk with Baxter along the old 3-mile circuit I ran with him last summer and fall. Everyone thinks Baxter is just soo cute with his little walk/run back pack on!

Feeling good!

Wednesday, May 9


Today, I was pretty uninspired, so I woke up and did the "Crunch" pilates, "Pilates for Dummies" mat routine, and "Power 90" abs. A total of 60 minutes of exercise.

Luke and I are having our kitchen remodeled. They are coming to install our new kitchen island and raised table next week! To prepare, I decided to take one of Luke's family's heirlooms, our kitchen table and chairs, to his parents' house so that his sister can use them when she moves into her new apartment this summer. I moved the table and chairs by myself to Luke's parents' house! This was a workout in itself!

Tuesday, May 8

On Belay!

This evening, Luke and I decided to go wall climbing. We thought about doing this on Sunday, but concluded we didn't have the time or adequate energy for our first-time attempt to scale a wall (since at least high school, for me).

A friend of ours is a member of Vertical Endeavors, which has wall-climbing facilities scattered about the Twin Cities. We went to the one closest to us. After a 10-minute introduction in order to learn how to use the auto-belays, we climbed away.

There were so many ropes and auto-belays, that even though the St. Paul facility was fairly crowded, we didn't have to wait long (if at all) to use an auto-belay (which are pretty amazing contraptions!). There were tons of kids there! Some of them were pretty amazing...climbing advanced routes, hanging upside down on the ceiling, belaying each other... Although they were pretty incredible and fun to watch, I think I would want to go back during the day, when kids are in school. It would help free up a lot of the routes, and lessen the screaming and screeching!

Luke and I were at the facility for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Of course, we weren't purely climbing the entire time. Even in weight lifting, it is important to give the muscles being worked a short break between sets. I figure we were actually climbing for a third of the time we were there.

I will definitely go back!

Monday, May 7

Walking Tall

As all of the crops are now planted, my parents are in the Twin Cities for a few days. So, as workout partners, my mother and I took the opportunity to do "Core Strength Pilates" with Trudie Styler. (I always feel so much more relaxed, and taller, when I do this routine!) And then we went on a 40-minute walk. What a gorgeous day for it!

Sunday, May 6

Just Doing It

Today is a busy day. This morning, I had plans to get together with a friend of mine for coffee, then get a pedicure (I know, life is tough!), then go to church, and of course, find time to exercise.

So, this morning, I finally pulled myself out of bed at 8:30am to do my Power 90 strength training routine. I woke Luke up with all of my huffing and puffing, because I was really giving those push ups and dumb-bell presses everything I had.

After my coffee date and pedicure, Luke and I thought we might go wall/rock climbing as a fun activity that I could count as exercise. But I was really zapped of energy. Maybe the drive from Halstad on Friday finally caught up with me. Also, Luke had been concerned that we might be late for church if we tried to go this afternoon. So, we opted out of wall climbing.

I really was not excited about finding another exercise activity, and I kept putting it off until close to 10:00pm. I simply chose to do 30 minutes of elliptical.

So, yes, people out there who read my blog, there are certainly days that I really don't want to work out. Rather than make excuses or think about it too hard, I resolve to just do an exercise. More often than not, half way through the exercise I feel great about myself, having conquered my own obstacle.