Sunday, May 6

Just Doing It

Today is a busy day. This morning, I had plans to get together with a friend of mine for coffee, then get a pedicure (I know, life is tough!), then go to church, and of course, find time to exercise.

So, this morning, I finally pulled myself out of bed at 8:30am to do my Power 90 strength training routine. I woke Luke up with all of my huffing and puffing, because I was really giving those push ups and dumb-bell presses everything I had.

After my coffee date and pedicure, Luke and I thought we might go wall/rock climbing as a fun activity that I could count as exercise. But I was really zapped of energy. Maybe the drive from Halstad on Friday finally caught up with me. Also, Luke had been concerned that we might be late for church if we tried to go this afternoon. So, we opted out of wall climbing.

I really was not excited about finding another exercise activity, and I kept putting it off until close to 10:00pm. I simply chose to do 30 minutes of elliptical.

So, yes, people out there who read my blog, there are certainly days that I really don't want to work out. Rather than make excuses or think about it too hard, I resolve to just do an exercise. More often than not, half way through the exercise I feel great about myself, having conquered my own obstacle.

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