Saturday, May 5

Scapulas and Spatulas

Well, this morning I attended a wedding shower for my sister-in-law. I volunteered to bring blueberry muffins, and there is nothing like freshly baked blueberry muffins. So rather than bake them last night, I decided to wake up early to make them this morning. I needed to leave my house by 9:00am, so between wanting to exercise before the shower, and making muffins, I woke up at 6:30am.

I started on the muffins right away. While the first batch was baking, I did the first 10-minute "Total Body" workout routine from "Crunch Pilates." While the second batch baked, I did the "Belly" and "Butt" zone workouts from the same DVD. Then I needed to hop in the shower. With all of the muffins baked and cooled, and half of my exercises complete, I headed out to the shower!

After the shower, Luke was out with a friend for lunch, so I decided to take the opportunity to finish my exercising. I completed the last zone workout from "Crunch": "Thighs," then the mat pilates routine from "Pilates for Dummies," and finally, "Abs 100" from "Power 90."

By the way, the blueberry muffin recipe I used is super healthy. And I received a number of compliments for them at the shower. I definitely recommend them!

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