Wednesday, May 8

Getting in a Run

After working on the farm all day, quitting time ended a bit earlier than normal, so I had time to get in a run this evening. 5.1 miles in 61 minutes! I believe that even includes stopping for a drink of water and a quick chat with my teammate, Danielle.

During this run, I ran across the Red River bridge into North Dakota and back. Beautiful run as the sun was setting and geese were flying overhead. I tried taking a picture, but didn't want to stop long enough to snap a clear one!

I should really get some interval endurance training in next opportunity.

Saturday, May 4

Run or Dye [for Daylight!]

Today, I ran a 5k fun run for Daylight Center and School.

In rural Kenya, nomads practice "sapana," a rite of passage empowering men to make decisions for their community. During this ritual, young men are "painted green" with goat refuse. At Daylight, we want to encourage these nomads to empower both boys and girls to be leaders in their communities with another rite of passage: education. So as a symbol of joining the Daylight community in this mission, a few of us got painted at Run or Dye!

After waiting in the cold for about an hour and a half, our wave finally started! I sprinted out the starting line, and then walked for a minute or two to warm up my cold ankles, then I ran then entire 3.1 miles. Thank you, again, Brianna, Emilie, and Kari for doing this with me!

Also, special props to Emilie. Our group didn't want to ride back in the buses (and have to wait in another long line), so while Brianna and Kari rode to brunch with some of our awesome fans, Emilie and I ran another 1.5 miles to brunch!

So, in all, I ran 4.6 miles. Whoo hoo!

Saturday, April 27

Run/Walk 2:1 Endurance Intervals

I think endurance training was a success today! I ran 5.9 miles before my knees and hamstrings started complaining and I stopped.

I completed 23 sets of 1-minute run and 2-minute walk intervals in 69 minutes. This means I was only running a third of the time, but I still managed to average an 11:41-minute mile! But as I've stated before, the objective is distance, not speed, and I am very happy with my 5.9 miles today.

Worse case scenario, I just do endurance intervals for my leg of the marathon relay...

Friday, April 26

Two-Day Tin [Wo]Man

So yesterday, I woke up sooo sore! Wowza. But I had anticipated this, which is why I scheduled "stretch yoga" in my training plan. It took awhile, though, before I made the time to do the hour-long P90X stretch session. I felt much better afterward. Still a bit sore, but at least less tin-man like.

This morning, I still woke up sore! As planned, I have taken the entire day off of exercise. I definitely needed the 72-hour break between scheduled runs to recover from the first one! Let's hope it's long enough - I need to get in some endurance training tomorrow.