Thursday, May 24

New Motivation

Well, I weighed in yesterday at 117.5 pounds! Half a pound below my final goal weight. So I am officially done with that low calorie-consumption diet! I so look forward to eating cheese again!

So, after weighing in, I never exercised. I guess I decided that a day off would be a good reward. I will continue to count calories, though, as the next challenge is to retrain my stomach to know what the new calorie plateau feels like (so that I don't under- or over-eat).

According to an online caloric intake calculator, for me to maintain my current weight with no exercise, I am able to eat 1500 calories per day. With my handy Calorie Count iphone app, I am able to use this 1500 as a starting point, and if I exercise on a particular day, it indicates that I have calories on top of my 1500 daily calories to consume. I think this will help motivate me to keep exercising, so that I can splurge a bit.

Today, I continued my strength training regimen with Power 90 disc 2.

Tuesday, May 22

Last Stop?

This morning, I went for a walk with Luke and Baxter outside! Beautiful morning for it. We did a 3-mile circuit in 55 minutes. At right is a picture of the train that went by during our walk. It was only 4 cars long.

Later in the afternoon, I did disc 2 of Power 90 for strength training.

Tomorrow is weigh in! We will all see if I made my goal of weighing 118 pounds. If that is the case, then I have some diet planning to do in order to transition to maintenance rather than weight loss. After 6 weeks of being on this weight loss diet and exercise plan, that will be a new challenge!

Monday, May 21

Packing Up and Going Home

Well, this morning, I woke up and finished cleaning and organizing the storage room! It only took 3 more hours to finish and pack up my dad's pickup with items to take to a second-hand store.

Before leaving for Saint Paul, I even made time to do the 35-minute Pilates for Dummies routine, and Power 90 Abs!

Sunday, May 20

Last Deep Clean

This morning, I did Power 90 (disc 2) right away when I got up. Man, what a strength training workout! I had wanted to go for a walk later in the day, but being that it is my last day in Halstad (I go home to Saint Paul tomorrow!), I decided to take on one last project for my dad and clean out my parents' storage room. 5 hours later, I'm finally calling it a night! Hope to finish up in the morning before I take off!