Saturday, August 27

Group Fun Run

Jesse, Chris, and Baxter
First group fun run was a success! Four people and two dogs attended for the 3 to 4 mile loop around the Stone Arch Bridge and Boone Island Park area. The people were Jesse, Chris, Kari, myself. The dogs were Winnie and Baxter.

Kari and I walked with the dogs, while Jesse and Chris got a good sweat in with a run.

Kari and Winnie
Afterwards, we all went to Wilde Roast for brunch to replace all those calories we burned off!

I don't know about Jesse, Chris, and Kari, but it was certainly fun for me to get out and exercise with other people. The three of you are welcome to post comments on what you liked best and how having even more people next time would make things even better!!!

I will keep Facebook followers posted about future events. I know Saturday mornings don't work well for some, and I will definitely change things up in the future to accomodate various schedules. Hope you can make it out next time!

At Wilde Roast

Thursday, August 25

Stress Free

As always, it was hard waking up this morning to go running, but I managed to do it.

Baxter made some friends on the run...the guard for a parking lot sees us jog by each time we go, and he finally asked today if he could pet Baxter. Baxter wanted to climb right into his guard station with him and hang out. I wish I had brought my phone to take a picture.

Near the beginning of the run, once I crossed the street to the river walk, I decided to take a left instead of a right, because Baxter had done his business, and I knew there wasn't a garbage can for at least 3/4 of a mile to the right. About a 1/4 to the left, however, I came upon a little parking lot for the riverside area and some garbage cans. Maybe the next time I organize a fun run, I will have it here, since there is a parking lot...

This past week has been so stressful with work and not having enough time to work on my thesis. I've been doing a lot of sleeping, which is one way my body deals with stress. But today I have felt so energized and generally pleasant! Even the new employee I've been training in noticed a difference...

I will make a much bigger effort to get my morning exercise in!

Tuesday, August 23

Under Construction

Well, Baxter and I did another mid-day run today. It was 80 degrees, but there was enough of a breeze to relief us. But because of the heat, Baxter could hardly run a mile and a half, so I had to pretty much jog in place for the second half of the run. I cannot wait until fall! I did feel unusually refreshed during the end of the run, so perhaps I should thank Baxter for that.

Down by the river today, there was some kind of construction being done along the bank, but on the water side. It looked like they were ripping out tar or something. Not the most pleasant smell.

I am organizing a group fun run in NE Minneapolis for Saturday morning. Check out Facebook for the details!

Sunday, August 21

Afternoon Jog

So, Luke was serious about going for a run. After going to the farmer's market, he realized it is actually really nice out: mid 60s. Luke, Baxter, and I went on a 2-mile jog.

To cross the street to the river walk, because of the one way streets and divided highway intersection, pedestrians are meant to walk about a block east to a pedestrian crossing in order to go back, essentially 2 blocks out of the way. As I turn to jog towards the crossing, Luke looks both ways and bolts across the intersection. His timing was perfect, and it was too late for me to follow, so I pick up my pace with Baxter to run to the cross walk. Because I had to wait for traffic, by the time I got to the river walk, Luke was already about 3 blocks away.

Baxter and I eventually caught up to him at a faster pace than I intended to go today because I ate half of a bagel sandwich right before we headed out. I wanted to puke. But Luke seemed happy that I was huffing and puffing as much as he was. :)


So, I didn't exercise at all last week. Early Monday morning, at around 4:00am, Luke wakes me up. He was having a pain in his abdomen before going to bed the night before, and he was concerned that the shooting pain that woke him up Monday morning was apendicitis. So, we went to the Emergency Room. Long story short, the testing results were inconclusive.

We got back home in time for me to start work (I had to start training a new employee). So, needless to say, I was pretty exhausted for the rest of the day...and the next day, and the next day. I honestly can't remember what my excuse was for the rest of the week...probably just the feeling of defeat.

Because of all of the stressors in my, work, and my board responsibilities, Luke insisted on gifting me a massage at a nearby spa yesterday. It was amazing! Even though my muscles are looser, I'm also in quite a bit of pain from it though. So, instead of running this morning, I did Pilates. I'm feeling great!

Now...Luke is wanting to know if I'm up for a short run.