Sunday, August 21

Afternoon Jog

So, Luke was serious about going for a run. After going to the farmer's market, he realized it is actually really nice out: mid 60s. Luke, Baxter, and I went on a 2-mile jog.

To cross the street to the river walk, because of the one way streets and divided highway intersection, pedestrians are meant to walk about a block east to a pedestrian crossing in order to go back, essentially 2 blocks out of the way. As I turn to jog towards the crossing, Luke looks both ways and bolts across the intersection. His timing was perfect, and it was too late for me to follow, so I pick up my pace with Baxter to run to the cross walk. Because I had to wait for traffic, by the time I got to the river walk, Luke was already about 3 blocks away.

Baxter and I eventually caught up to him at a faster pace than I intended to go today because I ate half of a bagel sandwich right before we headed out. I wanted to puke. But Luke seemed happy that I was huffing and puffing as much as he was. :)

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