Wednesday, April 24

Flying Farmers

Yesterday, I get a text from my friend Danielle that says: "Do you run? Alex is trying to get a relay team together for fargo marathon." I'd never considered a relay for a marathon before, but that seems like a way more likely accomplishment in my life than running a full marathon by myself. So I ask her when it is.'s May 18th, less than 4 weeks away.

I was finally persuaded into signing up with the relay after being assured it was just for fun, and it would be fine if I ended up walking most of it.

This morning I woke up to a flood a texts deliberating over what our relay team name should be. It was finally decided: Flying Farmers. I won't even get into why that name does or does not fit.

I decided it would be a good idea to see where I'm at, running wise. It's been almost a full year since I've consciously exercised!

This morning, I ran 3.1 miles in 38 minutes...then walked the 2 miles more home, since I was a bit optimistic when I plotted out the route I was to take. Our puppy Byron came with me. It was his first time on a run - ever. And I was surprised. He never lagged behind! New running partner?

Each person in the relay is responsible for 6-8 miles, which means, I'm just barely half-way to the minimum distance right now.

To avoid injuring myself, I've developed a training schedule. The objective is to gain miles, not speed. If you do both at the same time as a runner, it is a recipe for injury!!!

  • 04/24 - Run (nonstop, easy pace for as far as possible)
  • 04/25 - Stretch yoga (to relieve those sore muscles!)
  • 04/26 - REST DAY
  • 04/27 - Run/Walk 1:2 (alternate 1-min. run with 2-min. walk for as far as possible or up to 8 miles, whichever is less)
  • 04/28 - 30 min. Bike or Aerobic Dance
  • 04/29 - Run
  • 04/30 - Stretch yoga
  • 05/01 - REST DAY
  • 05/02 - Run/Walk 1:1
  • 05/03 - 30 min. Bike or Aerobic Dance
  • 05/04 - RUN OR DYE 5K FUN RUN
  • 05/05 - 30 min. Bike or Aerobic Dance
  • 05/06 - Run
  • 05/07 - Stretch yoga
  • 05/08 - REST DAY
  • 05/09 - Run/Walk 2:1
  • 05/10 - 30 min. Aerobic Dance or Swim
  • 05/11 - Run
  • 05/12 - Stretch yoga
  • 05/13 - REST DAY
  • 05/14 - Run/Walk 3:1
  • 05/15 - 30 min. Swim
  • 05/16 - Run/Walk 4:1
  • 05/17 - Stretch yoga

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