Thursday, May 10

Accounting for Flux

This morning, I went to the hotel my parents are staying at, as they are in the St. Paul area for a few days. I did this to exercise with my exercise partner, my mother, but also to use my scale that my mother had along with her, so that I could weigh in this morning. I think it's really important to use the same scale every time in order to be consistent, as some scales may vary a bit. I weighed in at 121.7 pounds! I lost 1.5 pounds this past week. So, I lost about the same amount as I did a week ago. Overall, I have lost 10.3 pounds since April 8th, when my mother and I started working out.

My initial goal was to lose 10 pounds. So, I have achieved my goal! But to account for slight fluctuations later (after I change my dieting and workout habits from this weight loss routine), I aim to lose another 3.7 pounds, so that I weigh 118 pounds before going off this program.

So, back to my exercising today: My mom and I used the fitness room in the hotel (and we were the only ones in there!) to do our Power 90 strength training routine.

After returning home, I took a 60-minute walk with Baxter along the old 3-mile circuit I ran with him last summer and fall. Everyone thinks Baxter is just soo cute with his little walk/run back pack on!

Feeling good!

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