Friday, May 11

Low Key

Today was a loooong day! I woke up early to exercise, but then didn't actually exercise. Some of you may notice that these exercise reports don't get posted right away (they say they do), but sometimes I don't get around to actually publishing them until a few days after the fact. So, I ended up spending my morning writing a few blog entries rather than exercise.

Before I knew it, I had to pack up the car and head back to Fargo, as my dad would like my help on the farm for 1 more week! Four hours later, once I arrived in Fargo, I had to run a few errands for him. I arrived in Halstad at around 7:00pm. Exhausted from a day of driving and running errands, I crashed on the couch for a few hours. At 10:00pm, I finally figured I better do something just so that I don't let the entire day go to waste, exercise-wise. So, I did "Yoga Booty Ballet: Hip Hop Abs." I didn't have as much pep as the instructors this time!

It is ok to have a low-key exercise day every once in awhile. Sometimes, it is what the body needs in order to continue cooperating with a weight loss plan. But it is important to still do something, so that the habit of exercising is not lost. I try to schedule in a lighter day for me and my mom once each week. That was supposed to be this past Monday with the stretching pilates routine with Trudie Styler. So, I anticipate working much harder the next few days to make up for 2 light days in one week.

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