Wednesday, September 14

P90x: Yoga

So, I managed to get myself in bed much earlier last night in order to make waking up go a bit better this morning. After all, the yoga routine is a full 90 minutes long, which means I HAVE to start at 6:00am if I want to shower before work.

I ended up skipping 2 or 3 poses (out of over 2 dozen or so) to avoid hurting my back, so, not bad in the large scheme of things. And Luke wasn't around to taunt me about it :)

The only down side to doing yoga is that it doesn't get my blood pumping the way that the other routines do. As a result, I'm less awake and alert to start work than the other days of the week. Not that I'm going to fall asleep at my desk, I'm just not in hyper drive like I have been other mornings. I guess that's not such a bad thing...I could use something to calm me down rather than encourage my insane multi-tasking.

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