Wednesday, April 25

Crunch!...those Abs, Butt, and Thighs!

I weighed in this morning at 124.6 pounds! In the past week, I have lost 2.3 pounds, which means I have lost a total of 7.4 pounds since starting this exercise and diet program.

What a gorgeous morning! No way was I going to miss out on a walk outside with Baxter today. We walked our 3-mile circuit, and I stopped to snap a picture (at left), which is in about the same spot that the picture in the "Nor Rain...Nor Gloom" post was taken. Huge difference, right?!

As you will notice, I am on the left side of the road, where walkers are supposed to walk. Luke and I got into a small dispute about this on Sunday, but he's half Australian, so it's understandable why he'd be confused ;)

Later in the day, after my mother returned home, we did a 55-minute pilates routine that I cut and pasted together for her to take on her trip to Texas. It's a combination of all 4 routines from "Crunch: Pick Your Spot Pilates" with Ellen Barrett, and the mat work from my "Pilates for Dummies" DVD. My mom really likes the Crunch DVD, so much so, she was resistant to continue on with the "Pilates for Dummies" DVD. She had apparently been resisting the "Pilates for Dummies" DVD throughout her entire Texas trip; she assumed the duration was as long as the "Crunch" portion (40-45 minutes), but in fact, it's only about another 10 minutes. Next time, we will have to start with the "Pilates for Dummies" DVD and end with the "Crunch" DVD.

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