Friday, May 18

Above and Beyond

What a hot day in Halstad! 95 degrees!

I went on a walk with Baxter this morning for 75 minutes (to resolve the 15 minute deficit from Tuesday).  Rather than do the regular 3-mile circuit, I decided to cut across town, then weave a bit along the main streets back to the edge of town with a hut dike that Baxter and I walked along. During my walk, I came across two very active older women who were going for a stroll. Way to go them!

After my walk, I did disc 2 of Power 90 strength training. Unbeknownst to me, the strength training routine on disc 2 is 40 minutes long (compared to the 30-minute routine on disc 1). So, I actually did an extra 10 minutes of exercise today (above what is scheduled and from Tuesday's deficit)! And what a workout. Much of it was the same as disc 1, but with less time to complete the repetitions, and an added section that requires you to do as many pushups and squats as possible. Whew!

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