Wednesday, May 16

Biceps and Bicycles

Yeah, I didn't exercise yesterday. I won't delve into the details, but I got obsessed with some computer work and then got a really bad migraine from staring at the computer all day and truly couldn't do anything. Also, I have forgotten just how dull my hunger senses get when I'm infront of a computer. Not eating when I should have probably also affected my migraine.

Anyway, being that I didn't exercise yesterday, I needed to make up the time today...

I started with Power 90, as usual. I forgot that today I was going to go to Disc 2 of the set, but I guess I will do that on Friday. I gave Disc 1 a big last push today!

Then I went on a 70-minute walk with Baxter. Another sunny day, and my tan is filling in very nicely!

After that, I realized I needed to return a bike that I have been borrowing (but not successfully using). So I decided to go on a very long detour to return it... I biked with a moderate effort for 35 minutes before returning it to its owner.

Feeling good! Now, I just have 45 more minutes to make up tomorrow for my lack in exercise yesterday!

By the way, I weighed in at 119.8 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 12.2 pounds! Only 1.8 pounds to go to reach my new goal of weighing 118 pounds.

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