Saturday, August 27

Group Fun Run

Jesse, Chris, and Baxter
First group fun run was a success! Four people and two dogs attended for the 3 to 4 mile loop around the Stone Arch Bridge and Boone Island Park area. The people were Jesse, Chris, Kari, myself. The dogs were Winnie and Baxter.

Kari and I walked with the dogs, while Jesse and Chris got a good sweat in with a run.

Kari and Winnie
Afterwards, we all went to Wilde Roast for brunch to replace all those calories we burned off!

I don't know about Jesse, Chris, and Kari, but it was certainly fun for me to get out and exercise with other people. The three of you are welcome to post comments on what you liked best and how having even more people next time would make things even better!!!

I will keep Facebook followers posted about future events. I know Saturday mornings don't work well for some, and I will definitely change things up in the future to accomodate various schedules. Hope you can make it out next time!

At Wilde Roast

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