Wednesday, June 29


More strength training today!

Same routine as before, except I increased the number of reps for my bicep curls. All are 15 reps and 2 sets unless otherwise noted:
  • Dumbbell Sumo Squat; 30 lbs
  • Straight Arm LAT Pulldown; 20 lbs
    • This is beginning to feel too in, it's getting too easy. I think I will increase reps next time (before increasing the weight). The machine I'm using increases by 10 pounds, rather than 5 pounds.
  • Push Up on Ball
  • Dumbbell Walking Lunge, Single Leg Balance, Dumbbell Lateral Raise; 5 lbs, 20 reps
  • Dumbbell Tricep Extension, Dead Bug Position; 5 lbs
  • Prone Ball Leg Curl
  • Dumbbell Bicep Curl, Wall Sit; 5 lbs, 20 reps
    • Feeling the burn again!
  • Side Lying Crunch on Ball

As I briefly alluded to above, our "fitness center," located in our building is a little sad. Here are a few pictures:

One 10-lb weight. Yep, just one.

The 30-lb weight I use for my sumo squats. There are two of them, 
but I only need one for the exercise.

The weight machine. 
I use the bar dangling from the top to do the straight
arm LAT pulldown exercise.

5 lb and 3 lb weights (I think). I use the red ones, 
which I think are 5 pounds to do a number of
the exercises.

My personal trainer was kind enough to take this meager inventory into consideration when she designed my strength training routine!

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