Monday, August 8

Flying Solo

Today, I ran alone. No Luke, and no Baxter. Instead, I sprinted against yellow traffic lights and quoted The Little Engine that Could to myself when I wanted to stop and walk.

My mile average for the 3 miles I ran this morning was 9:17. With Baxter, I've been running a slow 13:00 or so. So it felt good to establish "my pace" again, as this is comparable to what I was running before the madness of this summer began...with moving and traveling and quitting the gym.

My plan to ease back into things is to run Wednesday and Friday, then do some kind of fun alternative exercise on Saturday, like rollerblading or biking. Come Monday next week, I would like to begin alternating my run days with strength training again...I can't remember the last time I strength trained. But I guess that's the beauty of writing an exercise blog...I can just look in the archives!

Happy exercising, all. Happy Monday.

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