Wednesday, August 10

Below 60 and Running

Last night, I was so stressed out, all I wanted to do was throw on my running shoes and run until I fell over. But I had to work on my writing plan for my thesis which is due today.

This morning, I did not have the same enthusiasm to run. I stayed in bed until 7:00am, and then decided to see what the temperature was like...more so to give me another excuse not to go, especially since I had already mentioned to all of you that I was going to go running today. But when I picked up my phone and hit the weather icon I was shocked. 57 degrees. 

That is all it took. No way was I going to pass up a chance to run in 50-odd degree weather when I've been steaming in 70- and 80-degree weather for the past few weeks.

The beginning of the run felt great because of the cooler temp. But I felt really sluggish, which I think is a result of some poor food choices I made yesterday. My average mile time was 9:45 today.

On my run this morning, along the river, I saw two groups of women rowing out on the water. I wanted to cheer from the park, "whoot whoot. Morning workout!" But decided not too. I've never done rowing before, but I think it would be fun to try it some time...

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