Saturday, September 17

Chiropractor Visit

This morning, I went to the chiropractor because of those pains I had earlier this week. At the least, I just needed a tune up, and I thought I should let my chiropractor in on the fact that I've started up this vigorous exercise routine...

He asked if I've been doing a lot of sit ups, and I honestly responded by saying "a lot...a lot of sit ups." He said that since my core seems to be getting stronger, I no longer have to avoid repetitive motions that include bending over at the waist as much (I know that sounds weird)! But I should still avoid repetitive twisting at the waist, literally turning from side to side. So, a number of Yoga moves are still off the table, but it is huge news for me to be able to bend over at the waist! I know few people can really grasp how exciting this is.

The main thing he noticed was that my shoulders were really tight. I attribute this to using too strong of a resistance band during the weight lifting routines because I noticed my neck and shoulders were a bit sore, tight, and uncomfortable earlier this week during the shoulders and arms routine (I think...). So, now I at least know to hold back a bit on those.

Anyway...yay for bending over!

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