Friday, September 16

P90x: Kenpo

Kenpo again today! My favorite! I actually didn't get to doing this until after work today. It's been a long week and I felt I deserved to sleep in a little. I just love how much I sweat while having so much fun!

I was extra-fired up to do Kenpo today because of something that happened when I took Baxter out at around 4:00pm today to do his business. I was on my way back to my loft, when I heard yelling down the street. It sounded like some guy was swearing and trying to incite someone to fight. A long line of cars was stopped at a red light, and the yelling was coming from somewhere near the back of the line. I stood at the corner to wait for the walk sign, and saw the light turn green. The cars started moving, and the yelling got closer. Soon, I saw a small SUV pull forward, and then a bald-headed dude walking behind it on the driver's side hitting and slapping at the SUV. At it's earliest opportunity, the SUV pulled into the left-hand turning lane and sped off; a nervous skinny man was behind the wheel. The bald-headed mad man jumped into his sedan which was now holding up traffic and then sped through the intersection and on its way. I have no idea what happened to make the guy so mad, but he was clearly the jerk in this situation.

Anyway, so after than incident, I came back in and started up my Kenpo routine, and pretended I was defending myself against crazed mad men like the one at the traffic light. Hopefully I will never have to do such a thing.

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