Tuesday, September 20

P90x: Plyometrics

I have been looking forward to this routine! Mostly, because it isn't weight lifting, like we have to do every other day. It certainly isn't any easier, in fact, Plyometrics is arguably the most difficult P90X routine. Not to mention the most difficult routine to pronounce...every once in awhile "pyrometrics" slips out, or "plyrometrics." Luke sometimes says "pylometrics." At times, we just give up and say "the jumping one." By the end of 90 days, I will not only be fit, I will have also conquered the pronunciation of this routine!

We did the routine during lunch today. It just felt way too good to sleep in.

Later today, I convinced Luke we needed to go and get him some new shoes. The pair of tennis shoes he owns right now are literally just that: tennis shoes. The kind you wear to play tennis; the ones with the boxy toe and are way too heavy to successfully perform endurance exercises and other forms of cardio. The P90X instructor is always saying to land softly on your toes. Well, with Luke's tennis shoes, it's impossible, and as a result, Luke's feet started to hurt during the plyometrics routine today.

Luke bought some all-purpose, light-weight exercise shoes from REI. I love REI, because (at least if you are a member there, not sure about non-members), you can return whatever whenever for basically whatever reason. The shoes Luke bought aren't ideal for the plyometrics routine, but they are leaps and bounds (pun absolutely intended) above what he was using, and he can see himself wearing these shoes (that don't even look like your standard gym shoe) around casually. Which, if you know Luke, is saying a lot, because this guy likes to look snazzy!

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