Wednesday, September 21

P90x: Shoulders, Arms, and Abs

So, we didn't work out this morning. And instead of working out during lunch, we grabbed lunch with our friend Chris. So, we ended up working out this evening, which, is fine, but not ideal for the long term.

I took this routine easy, because I think this was the one last week that made my shoulders and neck a bit stiff and out of whack. I like my chiropractor, but I'd rather go without seeing him :) Anyway, as a result, I used less resistant resistance bands, and completed fewer repetitions if I felt I was straining my neck or back.

What I didn't foresee is all of the strain I would suffer in my feet. During the ab exercises, my left foot started to cramp. Foot cramps are painful! And how do they come about? Maybe I didn't drink enough water before exercising...?

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