Tuesday, September 6

P90x: Shoulders, Arms, and Abs

So, the shoulders, arms, and abs P90X exercise is about 75 minutes long. Luke and I cringed when we calculated how early we had to be up if we are going to do these P90X routines before work (which is what I prefer since I have thesis writing and board member responsibilities to do in the evenings). And as I've stated before, exercising in the morning gets me awake and ready for work like coffee can't.

So Luke and I slinked out of bed at 6:00am and changed into exercise gear. After 4 short minutes of the warm up, we both noticed how awake we felt already! This exercise was not as difficult as yesterday's Plyometrics workout in the sense that the weight lifting of shoulders, arms, and abs is much lower impact than plyometrics. We have opted to use resistant bands for the weight lifting exercises, mostly because we already have some. But since both of us are doing these workouts at the same time, I think it would be a good idea to invest in a few more, as sometimes Luke was using the one that I wanted to use, or vice versa.

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