Wednesday, September 7

P90x: Yoga

It's been a looong time since I've done yoga. Because of some lower back problems I have, my chiropractor told me to avoid any exercise (or work) that requires me to bend over or twist at the waist. In other words: no yoga. But since it's been a few years and I've made some efforts to see a personal trainer in order to safely build up my core muscles, I decided I would give it a go and see how my body reacts to the P90X yoga routine.

I was blown away by the crazy poses I was able to do and how good I felt after the routine. Of course, with any exercise, not all of it felt good while doing it, and I stopped any motion or position that I thought would do some damage to my back.

I still prefer pilates, but yoga will probably make me more flexible that pilates ever could.

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