Tuesday, April 17

Two Down

This morning I woke up with a horrible crick in my neck! I didn't have full range of motion when turning my head to the right, or tilting toward my right shoulder. My back also hurt. Thanks Power 90! I think I may have overdone my Power 90 "Sculpt" workout, as well as go to bed too soon after completing the workout. My body was still really tense from strength training when I went to bed. I went to the chiropractor this afternoon for an adjustment. Not yet 100%, but feeling much better! Thanks, Stephanie!

My mother's right foot also was in a lot more pain this morning. I had her ice it last night before bed, but it didn't do much good. She went to a local clinic; they determined that it was NOT a stress fracture (which is what we thought it could be), but something to do with her tendons. They gave her extra-strength prescription anti-inflammatory medication and a big boot to wear on her foot for the next couple of weeks. Yep, a couple of weeks.

But are we going to let these injuries slow us down?! No!.... Ok, maybe a little, but only literally slow us down, we are still going to exercise every single day.

This evening, my mother and I did my 55-minute DVD: "Core Strength Pilates" with Trudie Styler. I had been planning to do this exercise program today, day 7, anyway, as it is mostly stretching and very relaxing; a nice, low-impact workout. Both my mother and I were feeling great afterward.

Tomorrow, my mother leaves on a one-week trip to Texas to visit her siblings. I had the lovely challenge of designing a workout schedule for her that works around the limitations of her ankle and large boot! I developed a rotation of: swimming, good ol' Power 90, 60-minutes of mat Pilates, and some elliptical near the end of the week.

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