Sunday, April 15

Women Overboard!

My mom's right foot was hurting this morning from the strain of all the walking we have been doing. So, we really changed things up in our routine and went to open swim at an indoor pool to do some water aerobics! 50 minutes worth! I even did some dives off the board at the end. Shout out to Jodi for letting me borrow her swimsuit!

Later in the afternoon, we then did another exercise DVD: "Yoga Booty Ballet: Hip Hop Abs." You know, even though I'm not a fan of doing a number of different exercise DVDs, the nice thing about the Yoga Booty Ballet series is that the instructors are essentially teaching you a routine. They give you one part of the routine at a time and slowly build on, so by the end of the routine, you know what you are doing. And it's fun! I also liked this "Hip Hop Abs" better than the "Cabaret" from a few weeks ago; it's less "Broadway," and more "dance party."

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