Wednesday, May 2

Morning Motivation

Well, this morning, I got up and did exactly what I set my mind to last night. I popped the Power 90 Sculpt DVD in my computer, folded up my bed, and did 30 minutes of strength training in my basement apartment.

But even before that, I weighed in for the week: 123.2 pounds. Which means I lost 1.4 pounds in the past week for a total of 8.8 pounds. It's obvious that the weight I'm losing from one week to the next is half as much as was lost the week before. This is because I am getting closer to my goal weight. This just means I will have to amp up my exercise and work harder!

After strength training with Tony Horton, I had to work for 2 hours, but then went on a 45 minute walk with Baxter around Halstad. It was a gorgeous day. In the 45 minutes of our walk, we walked 2.5 miles. I got an amazing burn in my calves!

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