Thursday, June 16

Jack & Jill

I wasn't feeling well this morning so decided to wait to see how I felt at lunch. Although I felt much better, it was warmer than I would have liked it to be for a run. And people must think I'm a horrible dog owner for making her dog run 3 miles at high noon.

But there were more people out running at noon today than there were out Tuesday morning, which made it more fun for me and my competitive spirit.

Another beautiful day to be down by the river! Looping around and cutting back up hill from the river was also a good challenge. And hey, I remembered my landmark this time!

So, I have another 3 miles under my belt. And my average mile pace today was 9:05; faster than earlier this week, which I expected, since this was a shorter run. Baxter had a hard time keeping up near the end of the run due to the faster pace.

At right are pictures of me and Baxter after the run today... Baxter looks a little more tired than I do!

Pain Tracker:
  • Right heel felt bruised during/after hill

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