Wednesday, June 22


Or as my aunt says, "Pilots."

Because I am still having some pain in my neck and shoulders, I decided to do some pilates today, instead of running or strength training, in order to help stretch out and loosen those tight muscles. It seemed to help.

At right is my go-to DVD for Pilates, and a picture of me doing one of the Pilates for Dummies moves. I also have some "express" Gaiam pilates DVD that was included in my cereal box once.

Luke watched me do the Gaiam DVD pilates routine, and said he was amazed at how flexible I am (which, I didn't think I was). He shared this when I did an exercise while lying on my back; one leg is outstretched straight on the floor, the other is outstretched straight above me and I'm holding that leg's calf in my hands; then I alternate my legs, grabbing the other leg's calf as I alternate. (Although it looks similar, the picture at right is not the exercise I just described.)

Luke was determined to show me how flexible I am compared to him, so he did the 10-minute Gaiam routine.
Ok...I'm convinced!

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