Monday, April 30

Multi-Purpose Bedroom

Well, despite all of the cold, rainy weather we've been having in Halstad, Minnesota, the sun came through with a winner of a day. I think the temperature rose above 70 degrees!

Unfortunately, I was not feeling well for the majority of the day. It probably has a lot to do with being on the bus so much over the weekend, and maybe the Starbucks spinach wrap I had this morning for breakfast... At around 4:30pm, after my mom had already been walking with Baxter for 20+ minutes, she came in and insisted I come walk with her, as it was such a gorgeous day outside.

We walked up and down every street in Halstad (running north-south). It took a full hour, and totalled 3-miles in distance.

Much later in the evening, we got around to our strength training with Tony Horton. Since my dad was watching a game on the tv in the living room, we did the routine in my basement apartment instead. See pictures of before and after of my bedroom to workout space above!

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